So I thought Long and hard about this Blog and I figured why not. If no one reads it then its just another way to get my frustrations out =). Let me tell you alittle about myself:
My Name is Jennifer Nixon, I live in Tucson AZ with my husband Joel. We just got married in Aug 2010 so it'll almost be a year. I am an aspiring artist and mother. I am 22 on the verge of 23 at the end of the year and I have 3 cats. Right now we're living with my husband's parents... and at first it was a little tough and weird just because we didn't know eachother that well. But I feel a lot better living with them now then I would my own parents. Not that my parents are that bad, they just love to smother their only baby girl. I am the youngest of 3 kids. I have 2 older brother who are both annoying and wonderful. My husband Joel has 3 brothers and one sister and they're all so great to have around.
After Joel and I got married we decided that birth control was out of the question. Cause unless it was mandatory we wern't going to use it. Our motto "God knows when we're ready so lets just see what happens" lol. So that's what we did, I found out that I was pregnant in December that same year and I told my family on christmas day cause we were so excited about it. But as fast as it came the faster it went and I soon realized that I was miscarrying already on Christmas Day. It really hurt us both emotionally. It took me a few months to really get over it. We decided that we would name him Nicolas after St. Nicolas. And we're hoping that in heaven we'll get to meet him and hold him in our arms for the first time. The doctor said that sometimes to young couples it just happens, no ryhme or reason it just happens. So from that day on I was really focused on having kids mainly because I've been so depressed about my situations and life. And not having any friends to share my problems with. So I stopped everything in my life and just focused on BABIES... lol that was until about 2 weeks ago.
I realized that God didn't think I could handle a baby, not until I could handle myself. So I got myself a haircut and decided to change my attitude and do something with my life. And thats why I'm writing this blog so I can hold myself accountable for my actions both good and bad! So I'm finding a job and exercising more and getting more involved so I can do more in my life. Hopefully making changes in my life and getting myself back on track will get me ready and prepared to have a child. I'm so excited about being a Mom and Joel is so excited about being a Dad so I guess we'll see what the future has in store. There is more to come with this story so stay tuned =) Love,
A wannabe Mom