
Monday, May 14, 2012

Update on Baby Odo

Today has been a somewhat rough and unexpected day.  I had a doctors appointment today that I was looking forward to because we were getting a sonogram!  We were going to check the size of the baby, then have a NST, and finally talk to the doctor about whats been going on.  So we go into our sonogram first and right away we see our baby squirming away head down.  He/she had the cutest chubby cheeks and puckered lips.  Joel said the baby has my nose!
Odo and his/her Puckered Lips
The Tech measured the head, gut, and femur which all together will give a estimate of the baby's weight.  I was expecting our baby to be about 7 or 8 lbs just because he's been so big in the past.  The Tech pulls up the numbers and said he was: 9lbs 10oz.  Which was shocking to me.  I was utterly in shock.  He's only 36 wks 3 days... why was he so big.  Now I know, I have gestational diabetes but it was getting under control.

We went into the room where they did the NSTs and pondered on how big this baby was.  We really didn't think much of it only that we had to get this baby out soon before he eats his way out!  After we passed the NST we went straight to the doctor's office and talked to her about the baby size and any other concerns or questions we had.

She said, not only was our baby big but his gut was bigger than his head, which is normal in gestational diabetic babies, but since my baby was so big it would be pretty impossible for me to push him out without him getting stuck.  Which was her way of saying a C-section was the best thing for me to do.  Right away my heart dropped into my lap.  All these hard working 9 months to just have a C-section.  I asked why my baby grew so fast in such a small period of time and she said it was my PUPPPS medication.  It causes my blood sugar to spike and makes babies bigger... I don't remember the doctor ever warning me about that possibility but in any case this is what happened and I have to come to terms with it.

I have nothing against C-sections, I'd just rather do it vaginally.  I'm really disappointed that I won't get to experience any of it.. have that instant relief seeing my baby coming out of me in such a miraculous way.  I feel like I failed somehow.  EVERYTHING I planned for during this pregnancy has not happened.  I started off this pregnancy wanting something all natural.  No drugs, no doctors just midwifes, a calm homey environment, and to labor in a bathtub.  I am now faced with an epidural to numb me during an operation performed by skilled doctors in a sterile environment laying on a table having a C-section.

I felt like I did something wrong along the way.  Why can't my body be better than this?!  I mean I had no clue the baby was so big... in the month in between the sonograms I didn't gain a pound.  I actually lost a couple pounds... so how did this baby acquire so much fat!  10 flipping pounds!

So now after I broke down crying and talked to Joel about what was best for the baby we decided that a C-section is indeed the safest route for the two of us.  I don't want Odo suffering or going through any trauma when he's being born.  So in a week I will have a amniocentesis done to check to see if the baby's lungs have matured.  And if they have we're going to plan the C-section for the following week.  If for some reason they haven't matured then we'll let him cook for another week and have him at week 39.  So in 2 or 3 weeks we'll being having this baby and although it will be a much different experience than what I was hoping for, I will still get the best prize in the end:  A beautiful baby!  I'll keep everyone posted on what's to come.  Please keep us in your prayers!  

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