
Friday, May 11, 2012

Contractions are here to stay

Well today was fun.  I went to the hospital for a few hours to get some much needed, first time Mommy, answers.  For the past couple of days I've been having more intense contractions.  Although I could still talk through them; I wanted to go get my cervix checked so ease me mind a bit.  I like to know what's going on at all times and be prepared.

So we went to the Labor and Delivery E.R. and went straight to triage.  Most of the nurses know me pretty well.  In the beginning of my my 3rd trimester I was in and out of the E.R. every other weekend.  Right away I was hooked up to monitors and of course little Odo is fine.  He's actually been really active today.  Then the nurse checked my cervix and she said I was 1cm dilated but it was still thick so I wasn't in active labor! Yay!  But I was indeed having contractions and they told me that these are the annoying ones you can get weeks before you actually go into labor.  So I'm a little bit annoyed that I have to feel like this for however much longer and just let it happen.

It was actually pretty cool to watch the monitor when I had a contraction.  To see my uterus harden then to see that huge hill being made on the monitor was just cool.

It kind of excites me to know that I'm a centimeter dilated.  I know most woman who are weeks before delivering dilate a couple cm.'s as well.  Its the body preparing and getting ready but to actually know its happening to me tells me everything is going according to plan! This baby is coming!

Today I am 36 weeks!!!  Which also means I am 9 months!  I am flipping 9 months pregnant!  How time flies, by golly! Not much else happened today.  I did get some sleep last night mainly because I took some benadryl and it knocked me out at 11pm and I slept til 9am which felt so good!

This last month's pregnancy discomforts are really getting to me.  Everything hurts or is sore,  I can barely move around, I can't bend down without getting a braxton hicks contraction, its all very frustrating at times! Although its really uncomfortable I am so happy that things are going well and that the baby is healthy!  One more week and I'll be full term and be able to go into labor safely at any time!  I'm looking forward to that!  I'm going to be a Mommy really soon!  =D


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