
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Hormonal Chai Latte Please

Today was the strangest most oddly hormonal pregnant day I've ever had.  I woke up this morning late because of yesterdays failed attempt to get some sleep.  I was still pretty groggy from the lack of sleep and I could tell already that I was going to be in a bad mood if I didn't do something to change it quick.  So I made myself a Chai Latte!  It's my FAVORITE drink with Caffeine.  Although my friend Sarah Marie banned me from drinking anything with Caffeine in it because of how my body reacts to it!  I seriously go crazy and hyper and all those and more.

So I drank my Chai and immediately felt the caffeine pulse through my veins and instantly like a light bulb I was awake and ready for the world!  So I ate my breakfast and did some research about baby stuff.  Did some paperwork, made a few phone calls, organized, thought about everything imaginable.  Then all of a sudden my NESTING kicked in!  But not the cleaning kind of nesting... it was the PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE "NESTING"!!!

It was similar to the time we're moving and I convinced myself that if we packed everything up in advance that we'd move faster!  But I didn't work. lol but instead of moving I wanted to think about everything that had to get done in the next 6 months so I don't have to stress about it later.  So I started making lists and asking Joel like a thousand questions a minute and searching things up on the web.  Then Joel got frustrated and said something to me that hurt my feelings.

I started balling my eyes out.  I told him I just want everything to be done and ready.  And he of course told me that it was very unrealistic and I needed to take a breather.  Then again I started to cry but this time for no reason.  Just started to let it out... Joel eventually got me to lighten up and laugh.  And I looked up at him and said... do you think me crying and being irrational is my pregnant way of crashing after a caffeine high!  He said Yup that was it! So now I know why woman like me shouldn't drink caffeine while pregnant!  WE GO CRAZY! 

Other than that entertaining day I decided I'm going to paint tonight while Joel's at work.  It'll hopefully motivate me a bit and get my mind tired faster.  Its of a flower (Gerber Daisy) and it's Black & White on a 6in by 6in canvas.  Lets hope it goes well since it is for Sarah Marie.  She's the only one who can yell at me and keep me accountable at this day and time so wish me luck!


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