
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Coming to an End

Well we are making our final moving details this week.  Have the old apartment more than halfway clean, so tomorrow we are finishing it all.  Then it is goodbye to our dear old friend of a place we once called home.  Even though that house is probably one of the worse homes we will probably ever live in and some of the worst things happened there as well... I'm still going to miss it.  It was technically our first House we ever lived in together.  When we moved in I was only 4 months pregnant with Kyle.  So I got to watch him grow in my tummy there... set up His and our first nursery!!! We brought him home from the hospital there where we bonded and watched him grow even more.  Joel and I had some amazing dates, activities, and fun get together's as well.  
I have FEET!

I'm going to miss it there.  It's definitely one of those bitter sweet situations that I'm happy we're leaving but can't help but look back at all the wonderful memories that were made.  
Lazy Morning
We'll be living in Tucson for another month so Joel can get his training complete and the first Sunday in March we're heading up to Payson.  I don't know how it's going to work out but overall I'm pretty excited!  I'm turning a new chapter in my great mystery novel. I'm trying to start a new habit of going to bed early and waking up early... but as your can see... it being 1:00 AM here... not going so well quite yet!
Someone was Mr. Grumpy-Pants today
But after all this moving mumble jumble is past us we're going to start our new schedule of exercising and spending time together, and time set aside for work and studying!  It's going to be nice to be organized!  Let's just hope it sticks!  

Sleeping with his puppy dog face on!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Something New

Starting a new with my attitude!  Nobody likes a Debbie Downer or someone who create walls and barriers.  So I'm getting out of that poor me depressed state of mind and making a difference and getting out sharing my life with others.  I used to be so outgoing and just carefree and I wish I could still be that way.  I know I still have it in me to get passed this impasse of life but it's just taking harder than I expected... my mind and body are just not on the same page.  Time to CHANGE!
Darker Hair Color
Asleep in my Arms
We are almost done moving... we got all the big stuff, just have to deal with all the small stuff which is a pain!  And then we have the clean the place oye!  We are currently staying at a family members home while we're here in Tucson and we recently have been smelling a Horrible smell!!!  We figured out today that a rat crawled under the house and died... so the master bed and bathroom smell like death! It's so disgusting!so we closed off the rooms until we can have someone remove it! Gah!!! Sooooo gross!  Hopefully we get it taken care of tomorrow!

Oh and while I was in Payson I created a fanpage for my Mom Jenny Newland.  She is a professional artist and paints the cutest animals ever!

Here's her Facebook webpage:

And here Website Fanclub:

Check them out and Like the links and even share them! =D

I'm all about supporting my family in everything we do!

Kyle now has two Baby bottom teethers!  He got both of them last week!  We're very proud of him.  He hardly complained about it!  He's now babbles "DaDa, MoMa, BaBa" and makes raspberries with his tongue.  Still not crawling but trying to walk already!  He's jumping in his Johnny Jump up.  He's doing so much... even drinking water out of a cup and sippy cup!  I love that boy! =) 

I can hold my own bottles and sippy cups!
Figuring things out!
Already playing games lol
Trying to make Mommy Laugh!
Kyle's outfit from the Zoo
Happy Family!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

10 things to Love about me =)

Well I'm up in Payson now.  Found time to post a bit about what's on my mind.  Everything so far has been going great.  I feel like Joel and I have a plan now.. we have set goals and expectations for each other.  So I'm up in Payson to A.) Give Joel some space and time to study and get better at his presentations, B.) To start painting with my Mom and learning new techniques, C.) Study for my upcoming exam!

With those goals in mind I'm in Payson with my family while Joel is in Tucson... I miss him.  I decided to make this separation a little different than they usually are.  I decided to write notes for everyday that I'm gone.. stick them in different envelopes and have Joel open them as the days went on.  In addition to something romantic written for him I also included a tasks for him to complete that included me in his day.. like write a letter... and say I love you... etc...

Today was the first day.. and his task was to write 10 things he loved about me and to send them to me,

This is what he wrote:

  10 Things I love about you, Jen
I love your ability to Love others
I love how kind you are to others
I love the amount you care about others
I love the fact that you Love Christ
I love you Motherliness
I love the incredible amount that you Love others
I love that you want to have my Babies
I love your Giggle
I love you when you blurt out a word without knowing the exact meaning
I love your joyful eyes
I love how well you dance with me
I love you when you get super excited and cannot contain yourself
I love you when you get excited about something I'm not very interested in
I Love You.
Some of the most beautiful words ever said to me.  Just gives me more of a reason to Love my husband more.  He was even sick today and he wrote those beautiful words. 

Some anyways today has been great,  Tomorrow I'm getting my hair done!!!  Can't wait!  Then going to the store with my Mom and Kyle.  BTW Kyle's new word is "Ba Ba."

Friday, January 4, 2013

The New Year

I feel like everyone I know is looking forward to this New Year!  2013... who knew!? I never thought we'd make it passed 12-21-2012! LOL! I feel so happy to be moving on from this place I used to call home.  Tucson is a wonderful place if you have enough money to live in a nice community but for a family like us just starting out... we need something a little more friendly and less traumatizing to our kids and our lives.

New year resolutions.  I honestly don't ever remember making one. I always told people I'd had one... but honestly it never appealed to me to just have a goal for the whole year.  I wanted it to be my lifestyle not because I had to do it... plus making yourself do something every day just because you made a promise to the Year doesn't make you very accountable in my opinion.  So this year I'm changing things up! Since we are moving to Payson I thought it was a time to change my lifestyle and the way I do things.

I'm all about staying healthy and eating right... but since I've been struggling with depression and just adjusting to a new life.. I kind of lost that part of myself.  Now that I'm finally believing in myself and accepting myself for the way that I am and look like... I'm ready to take it to the next step... Diet and exercising ... which is code for eating better and possibly going to a gym!!!  I've been wanting to go to a gym for a while now... just put in some music and just work out no matter how difficult it may be.  I just love that feeling of knowing my body is kicking back into gear!

But the only way I will be able to do this is with a schedule.  I need to be organized and be prepared for anything and everything.  And I need to be able to get out of bed early in the morning or even late at night to get myself into a place where I feel like I can accept myself.  Not because I will be "Skinny"  or more "Pretty" but because I will look "Healthy" and have more "Energy!"

Speaking of energy... goodness these past couple weeks have really taken a toll on me.  I've been so tired that I've had to take 2-3 naps in a day just to wake up even a little.  I've been feeling like that since I was sick two weeks ago.  I feel better today although I did take a 2 hour nap.

Kyle Update:  He is so big.  He's in the 90% of his height.  He is the cutest thing I have ever seen.  He has learned how to give hugs and kisses.  He kisses with his mouth WIDE OPEN and brings it to your face!  Then he has this goofy smile like "I DID IT!"  When he was talking to himself today and trying to get my attention I caught him saying Mamma!  He has also learned the art of "Raspberries."  He wakes up babbling trying to wake me up and if I don't wake up he gives me raspberries in my face! =D

Humm... what else... I cooked pork today.  I have this fear of toughing raw meat... I get so sickened... and I actually touched it... bleh!!!!!!! So grossed out but I did it for LOVE!  Joel was pleased!

Tomorrow we are heading to Payson for a few reasons.  I might end up staying up there for a week or two so if I don't blog much that's is probably why!

2013 although its odd... I too feel like its different.  There's something in the air saying that God has something in store for us all this year.  With all the suffering and sadness in our world I hope we can change what is happening to our world and media and start a revolution about the truth and for once be an honest God loving country like we were before.

Ahhhhh I'm just so excited to get started!!!