So now that I'm pregnant and can't do much I figured I would entertain you all with what I'm experiencing. There's a lot rambling in my mind right now that I just don't know how to feel about this. I'm of course super excited I could have a little boy or girl running around in 8 months... but am I really ready for this!!! I'm going to be a Mom! Some other mini human being's Mother! Somehow that just doesn't seem right... I mean I'm just a kid myself. Staying out late, sleeping around (with my husband of course), I love to enjoy the random things in life and I would to go to disneyland and go on all the rollar coaster rides... but I can't! lol
I'm probably just acting like this cause I'm SUPER hormonal! Here are my symptoms for week 6: Slight Tummy Cramps, sleepiness during the day, insomnia at night, always mad a something, can't eat cheese or anything for that matter without making me wanna GAG! I pee like a MILLION times a day, my back aches, I feel Nauseious all flippin day, I get minor headaches all day, and my Poop turned green (TMI)!
So I guess men can understand why woman are mad and crying all the time! There ain't a party in my tummy just a whole like of grossness! Hopefully it'll go away tho!!! I am a little nervous about Joel joining the Navy since they might take him as soon as November the recruiter said. I figure if he's in boot camp I'll just travel to see my parents first and then to CA to see my friends and have a Baby Shower. Hopefully it'll take my mind off of him being gone.
God gave me this Baby for a reason! I sure wasn't trying anymore so I'm glad that this is God's Will and not my own. Oh yeah so BTW don't mess with a pregnant woman! I don't know what it is about being pregnant but BOY I got a lot of back bone and I feel like I can knock a man out whose being annoying. Or disrespectful! So watch out! lol and be nice to the baby! Mamma's kicking some A$$! lol Ok I'm done I feel better!
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