
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Been There Done That

My pregnancy thus far:
Up until my third trimester I was doing really well with the pregnancy both physically and emotionally.  Besides the once and a while Blood Pressure Spikes everything seemed to be going smoothly.  Then 28 weeks came and "BAM" I went to the hospital.  I was having these pains that I knew weren't normal and rushed to the Triage where they told me I wasn't in Labor but I was having PRE-TERM CONTRACTIONS.  Which means my body is practicing super early for this baby! lol So after they started to subside I thought all my worries were going away... Boy was I wrong. 
First Visit to the Hospital 
I had a sonogram to see the growth of the baby and the baby was perfect!  Except he/she was 87% above the normal birth weight! He was about a pound and a half bigger than all the other babies.  And on top of that I became the 1 in a MILLION pregnant girls who got PUPPPS (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy).  Its a rash some lucky woman get that could just be a rash or it turns into itchy hives that spread all over your body.  Worst part is the only cure is having the baby delivered. I tried to find ways to soothe the pain and itching but it was literally making me go mad.  I had hives all over my body.  The only things that made it feel better was an ice cold wash cloth and hydro-cortisone. But it would only subside the symptoms for about an hour and then it would come back with a fury.  I finally ended up breaking down crying.  I called my midwife and was yet again rushed to the hospital.  The nurse told me that it had gotten so bad that it could've gone internal and clogged my throat.  Glory to God that didn't happen.  

My 3 day stay

I ended up being emitted into the hospital cause they had to put me on a bunch of medication and also test everything else that was going on with my body.  At that time I was told that I also had PIH (Pregnancy induced hypertension).  So they were monitoring everything! My Blood Pressure, my Pee, Blood Sugars, my PUPPPs, and the baby.  Thankfully after being there for 3 days I got some good results and answers back.  I didn't have PIH my blood pressure is high because of my kidneys (that's another story).  I already knew my blood sugars would be high because of the meds they were giving me.  The baby was happy and healthy.  And the PUPPPs stopped itching! I still have the rash but thankfully the hives were put to sleep! Yay!

It seemed like after that whole fiasco things started to get better.  I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  Which I've come to terms with.  And I've been on a diet so the doctors don't think it'll affect me or the baby in any way since we only have one more month to go.  Other than still having contractions, both Braxton Hicks and Pre-Term Contractions, things seem to be finally looking up.
<3 My husband Gave me Flowers <3
The baby is head down, at the moment at least, and is happy and healthy and kicking me a lot these days.  It seems like I've been through just about everything imaginable and yet I'd do it again in a heartbeat just to have this little guy a part of my life.  I'm really excited to be a Mom!


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