
Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm back

Well I tried using the other site for my blog but for some reason its just not as exciting.  I don't understand where everything is and I think I want to just stick with my simpler blog instead!  So unless I find something easier and awesome-er you're stuck with me!

What's new:


Kyle is currently turning 5 months in a week.  He is babbling and actually he's squealing when he demands attention! He can now roll onto his tummy and back onto his back all by himself.  There are times when I leave him laying in the middle of the room and I'm doing the dishes I'll look over and he'll be on the other side of the room trying to either stick something in his mouth or touching something with his hands and feet!  He's a funny kid! 
Joel is a working busy bee! He is trying as hard as he can to provide for our family which makes me very proud of him! We recently got infested by fleas from our neighbor's dog!  So he's been freaking out a bunch and we've been flogging the place with pesticides! lol

I've been good.  Health is good... altho I did got to the doctor for back pain and he adjusted my back and it's surprisingly starting to feel better.  I'm finally getting the hang of things when it comes to being a wife, Mom, and myself.  It's super hard to keep up with everything but I can do it.  My brother just got married last month to a wonderful lady and now everyone in my immediate family is happily married!  It's amazing! 

Everything else:
Well we're still moving up to Payson in the beginning of the new year.  We're trying to find a new place figure out when to pack and blah blah blah... did I mention that I hate moving! Lol On a brighter note I've been on a major crafting mood!  I actually made myself a "Project Folder" of all the crafts that I find fun and I write them down and cut and paste the pics onto the pages... then when I have free time and the supplies I do the craft!  Its SOOOOO fun!  I'm also have a huge nesting bug when it comes to cleaning EVERYTHING!!!  I want to get new/used kitchen stuff... I have a plan... which is also in my project folder lol... I'm a little crazy at the moment! 

Well it feels good to be back! I will update again soon! =)


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