
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

On the mend

Day two of my recovery and it's still pretty tough.  Moving around has slightly gotten better but walking still feels like I'm a penguin.  Today I got to take off my big clean bandage off my tummy and got a closer look at my incision... then instantly after looking at it this wave of nausea came over me and I started to get really woozy... i walked over to my bed hoping it would go away when my head started to feel faint... I realized that my body was preparing to faint!!!  Thankfully Joel noticed and got me some water before I fell over and I laid down for a few hours and now I feel better.. it was just a weird feeling.  I've never had that overwhelming feeling before until now.

Other than that at the same time as my fiasco is going on Kyle is also going through a lot.  The poor guy has a cold and on top of that has 3 teeth coming in on top!  So he has been crying in pain for the past few days.  Which breaks my heart because I can barely hold him in my arms right now... I'm so sore that just having him in my lap hurts pretty bad.  Hopefully I'll heal faster and be able to be his Mommy again soon!

We're also a few days away from moving up to Payson and things seem to be moving smoothly enough that we'll be able to make it there with hardly any problems.

Well the good news overall is I now have a normal bellybutton!!!!!!!!!!!! Its been a while! lol

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