
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Purple Nails & Mommy Tales!

Happy Family
I can now say that things are starting to fall into place.  It's like you have to go through a huge emotional storm just to see the clearing ahead!  I've been learning a lot more about myself and about my family and about life and I'm starting to see what's important and what isn't.  I am so lucky to have friends and family that are there for me.  So thanks =)

I've been in a nesting mood lately.  I looked at out living/dining room and decided to move a few things around tonight!  Things look so much nicer and more spacious! I love the feeling I get after I clean something!  It's a peaceful proud feeling! 
Such a sleepy baby
Kyle is doing really great!  He is just about 16 months now and he is trying to talk to us.  He can sometimes spit a word out but then doesn't say it again.  But today he was doing the Sign for "Love" which is how we tell him we love him.  He was trying to say the words today with the sign and he would look at us and giggle!  O boy this kid is the cutest thing I have ever seen!  
Me and my Babies
I painted my nails today! I haven't done that in what feels like years!  It's a purple color and I felt like it was perfect for the upcoming holidays! The weather here is starting to get colder and colder so its time to get the long sleeves and sweaters out! I love the cold weather!  Layering clothes is such a Me thing!

 I also started crafting a bunch! I almost finished Kyle's toy chest!  It used to be a dusty old wicker chest that had a real moldy smell to it... so I tore it a part... Joel helped me reinforce the frame and I did a lot of hot gluing and nailing!  All it needs is to have the rest of the brackets and things screwed in and I'm done!  It took a lot of work but it turned out great!  And so cute! 
Inside the chest!

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