
Friday, May 25, 2012

My Birth Story

I would LOVE to introduce you to the newest Nixon to the family:  

Just Born
Weighing in a whopping 9 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long Kyle came dancing into this world at 1:54pm.  
Happy Hipster
The whole process of a C-section was really scary to me.  But all in all it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  The anxiety of waiting for the actual operation was the worst part for me.  But once I got to the actual operating room my blood pressure started to rocket.  So they gave me some drugs to settle the nerves which in result made me slur my words and see double!  It was indeed hilarious.  Feeling my legs go limp was another odd feeling I wasn't to sure about.  Once Joel came into the room I started to feel a lot better.  Once they put up the curtain they pretty much just started.  I had no idea they were already operating.

The whole operating experience was an okay experience.  Good thing was I felt no pain.  There was a lot of pressure and once they pulled the baby out I felt a instant relief.. like a balloon being deflated.  And I heard a cry and someone yell "You have a SON!"  "Its a BOY!" Joel rushed over to his side and they finally came around and showed me the baby and I instantly  started to ball.  To see his chubby cheeks and hear his beautiful cry was so overwhelming.  I could see the expression in Joel's face change from anticipation to "I'm a Daddy!" all in a matter of seconds.  He was one proud Papa.  

Daddy Indie
After the baby left the room I had to wait to be sewed up by the doctors.  Joel left the room to be with Kyle and I was left in the room to collect my thoughts.  I wasn't thinking all that much except that I wish I could hold my baby.  I got to kiss him but that was it. I trying to fight the tears of not being able to get those first few moments with my son.  I felt a bit disconnected.  They finally wheeled me into the recovery room where all our family was waiting for our arrival.  Kyle and Joel were already there and I was the last one in.

Again I started to cry.  It was such an emotional moment.  Happy, nervous, in love, scared... in pain... feeling like my baby was just taken from me... I wanted to see my baby! I got situated finally and they gave me my Kyle.  I started to talk to him.. although I was nervous that he would start crying... surprisingly he calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. He knew my voice.  He just looked at me for one moment like he knew exactly who I was.  It was a beautiful moment for me.
Our new Family

Later we started to breast feed.. but he was way too tired to even open his eyes.  So we let him sleep and cuddle and we took naps as well.  My blood pressure was still pretty high so we had to wait a bit longer to make sure I was okay.  Babies vitals were good and mine were improving.

Overall the day got better and we got Kyle to latch on successfully!  He's becoming Mommy's little boy quite fast if I do say so myself.  I think I'm getting the hang of breast feeding.  And I can tell the baby really loves to be near me.  Whoever said that Love at First Sight wasn't real... obviously has never had a baby before.  I fell instantly in Love with this fellow one I saw him. although we are indeed tired already and I am in so much pain I can barely breath.  I can ultimately say I wouldn't have it any other way!  I love him! 

Breastfeeding Champ
Well its time for me to take a nap.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We're having a baby today!

So to catch you all up to speed we got the amniocentesis done yesterday and although it was really painful and uncomfortable it came back positive!!! So the baby's lungs are mature and we're having a baby today!  My parents rushed down from Payson last night to be here for us and we spend the whole day yesterday packing and cleaning.  Then we decided to have one last night of just us.

So we went on a date.  Joel took my to a nice pizza joint and we had an amazing time chatting in shock about having a baby so soon! And then we got candy and went to the movies to watch the Avengers.  Which turned out to be a pretty good movie.. I was indeed impressed.

Now I'm sitting on the couch in the morning and I'm still in my Pjs.  My parents are giving me their words of wisdom.  Joel is trying to install the carseat and I'm kind of in shock and in a daze.  This feels so unreal.  I still have to take a shower and do my makeup and look nice so I wont feel so nervous.

Today is the day.  We go in at 11am to get prepped for surgery and such and we go in for surgery at 1pm.  I have to fast until after the surgery which really sucks.  I can't even drink anything! I mean its totally worth it but still... I'm pregnant and well... I like food! And Water! We live in a freaking desert! lol But in no time we'll have a baby in our arms and I'm looking forward to the moment when our lives change forever!  God Bless!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Choosing the big DAY!

So today was a total wake up call! I've been waiting to blog on account that I have no idea what is happening... one doctor says one thing... another says something different.. so when I went into my weekly doctor check and NST I finally got the answers I was looking for... although it was more than I bargained for! (In a good way)

Joel and I have been struggling with the idea of a C-section. We are for sure going through with it although it makes me really nervous. But it's been hard to pinpoint the date of when we were going to bring this baby into the world.  I requested to get a amniocentesis test done. 
An Amniocentesis Test is:  the procedure where they stick a long thing needle through you tummy into your uterus to get a sample of the amniotic fluid.  The fluid, if the lungs are mature, should contain some protein which gives us the go ahead that the baby's lungs are developed and we can schedule the C-section early! 

So we are having the Amniocentesis tomorrow (Tues May 22) and if all goes well our doctor wants to do the C-section the following DAY!!!! That took us way off guard when she said that!  We forgot the baby had to come out somehow and soon! So we talked about it... and if we can and the test comes out good, then we're going to try to have the baby on (Friday May 25).  But if for some reason the test comes back negative then we'll wait until next Friday ( June 1st).  Nonetheless we're having this baby SOON!  And we'll know by tomorrow afternoon how soon exactly we're expecting the little guy!

We have the baby room all ready and the house is... ummm somewhat clean... my mentality is better than before and I'm more excited to meet our little creation then to stress over the operation.  My contractions are getting closer and more painful lately.  I'm thinking that no matter what this baby is coming super soon! Talk about a reality check!  Joel ad I are in shock still.

In other news, my tummy is way too big to fit into any of my maternity clothes!  So I came up with a solution!  I'm going to wear my old dresses and wear them as maternity shirts... and it WORKED! It actually makes me feel good that I can wear something from my past... even if it looks differently on me now.  I'm 37 weeks going on 38 on Friday!  Keep us in your prayers!  And I'll be sure to keep everyone updated either by facebook or blog!  =D 
Dress #1
Dress #2


Monday, May 14, 2012

Update on Baby Odo

Today has been a somewhat rough and unexpected day.  I had a doctors appointment today that I was looking forward to because we were getting a sonogram!  We were going to check the size of the baby, then have a NST, and finally talk to the doctor about whats been going on.  So we go into our sonogram first and right away we see our baby squirming away head down.  He/she had the cutest chubby cheeks and puckered lips.  Joel said the baby has my nose!
Odo and his/her Puckered Lips
The Tech measured the head, gut, and femur which all together will give a estimate of the baby's weight.  I was expecting our baby to be about 7 or 8 lbs just because he's been so big in the past.  The Tech pulls up the numbers and said he was: 9lbs 10oz.  Which was shocking to me.  I was utterly in shock.  He's only 36 wks 3 days... why was he so big.  Now I know, I have gestational diabetes but it was getting under control.

We went into the room where they did the NSTs and pondered on how big this baby was.  We really didn't think much of it only that we had to get this baby out soon before he eats his way out!  After we passed the NST we went straight to the doctor's office and talked to her about the baby size and any other concerns or questions we had.

She said, not only was our baby big but his gut was bigger than his head, which is normal in gestational diabetic babies, but since my baby was so big it would be pretty impossible for me to push him out without him getting stuck.  Which was her way of saying a C-section was the best thing for me to do.  Right away my heart dropped into my lap.  All these hard working 9 months to just have a C-section.  I asked why my baby grew so fast in such a small period of time and she said it was my PUPPPS medication.  It causes my blood sugar to spike and makes babies bigger... I don't remember the doctor ever warning me about that possibility but in any case this is what happened and I have to come to terms with it.

I have nothing against C-sections, I'd just rather do it vaginally.  I'm really disappointed that I won't get to experience any of it.. have that instant relief seeing my baby coming out of me in such a miraculous way.  I feel like I failed somehow.  EVERYTHING I planned for during this pregnancy has not happened.  I started off this pregnancy wanting something all natural.  No drugs, no doctors just midwifes, a calm homey environment, and to labor in a bathtub.  I am now faced with an epidural to numb me during an operation performed by skilled doctors in a sterile environment laying on a table having a C-section.

I felt like I did something wrong along the way.  Why can't my body be better than this?!  I mean I had no clue the baby was so big... in the month in between the sonograms I didn't gain a pound.  I actually lost a couple pounds... so how did this baby acquire so much fat!  10 flipping pounds!

So now after I broke down crying and talked to Joel about what was best for the baby we decided that a C-section is indeed the safest route for the two of us.  I don't want Odo suffering or going through any trauma when he's being born.  So in a week I will have a amniocentesis done to check to see if the baby's lungs have matured.  And if they have we're going to plan the C-section for the following week.  If for some reason they haven't matured then we'll let him cook for another week and have him at week 39.  So in 2 or 3 weeks we'll being having this baby and although it will be a much different experience than what I was hoping for, I will still get the best prize in the end:  A beautiful baby!  I'll keep everyone posted on what's to come.  Please keep us in your prayers!  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Contractions are here to stay

Well today was fun.  I went to the hospital for a few hours to get some much needed, first time Mommy, answers.  For the past couple of days I've been having more intense contractions.  Although I could still talk through them; I wanted to go get my cervix checked so ease me mind a bit.  I like to know what's going on at all times and be prepared.

So we went to the Labor and Delivery E.R. and went straight to triage.  Most of the nurses know me pretty well.  In the beginning of my my 3rd trimester I was in and out of the E.R. every other weekend.  Right away I was hooked up to monitors and of course little Odo is fine.  He's actually been really active today.  Then the nurse checked my cervix and she said I was 1cm dilated but it was still thick so I wasn't in active labor! Yay!  But I was indeed having contractions and they told me that these are the annoying ones you can get weeks before you actually go into labor.  So I'm a little bit annoyed that I have to feel like this for however much longer and just let it happen.

It was actually pretty cool to watch the monitor when I had a contraction.  To see my uterus harden then to see that huge hill being made on the monitor was just cool.

It kind of excites me to know that I'm a centimeter dilated.  I know most woman who are weeks before delivering dilate a couple cm.'s as well.  Its the body preparing and getting ready but to actually know its happening to me tells me everything is going according to plan! This baby is coming!

Today I am 36 weeks!!!  Which also means I am 9 months!  I am flipping 9 months pregnant!  How time flies, by golly! Not much else happened today.  I did get some sleep last night mainly because I took some benadryl and it knocked me out at 11pm and I slept til 9am which felt so good!

This last month's pregnancy discomforts are really getting to me.  Everything hurts or is sore,  I can barely move around, I can't bend down without getting a braxton hicks contraction, its all very frustrating at times! Although its really uncomfortable I am so happy that things are going well and that the baby is healthy!  One more week and I'll be full term and be able to go into labor safely at any time!  I'm looking forward to that!  I'm going to be a Mommy really soon!  =D


Thursday, May 10, 2012

A painting and "The pantie story"

Is officially finished with the painting I've been working on!  I'm so proud of myself.  For some reason I've been avoiding painting and sketching.  I think I was just going through a rough patch... a creativity block of some kind.  After my Mom visited and finished a painting of her own it made me want to get my creativity on! But I couldn't just start a project for myself of finish a painting I've been procrastinating on... mainly cause I needed to be motivated to get it done.  So since my best friend's birthday is coming up in June and I know I'll be way too busy with the baby to paint much I thought why not paint a picture for her now while I still can.

She and I have a very, ummm, unusual friendship at times.  You would call it verbal abuse, we call it positive criticism and encouragement! LOL!  We hold each other accountable for our actions and we're very much a like which is why I think we are such good friends.  We know where are limits are.  ANYWHO, I knew she would yell at me if I didn't get it done in time and I needed that boost of motivation.  And it worked!

A tradition Sarah and I started with each other was to give one another underwear for our birthdays.  Sounds funny and odd I know.  The way this tradition started was when we were in high school.  I was complaining about my pantie lines and Sarah told me to invest in some thongs.  I was shocked that she suggested it but was afraid to get them alone.  So like a good friend that she is... she took me to Victoria's Secret to get my first few pairs of Thongs.  It was hilarious.  We ended up having some inside jokes about the whole experience and somehow came to the conclusion that we should buy one another underwear cause its too pricey otherwise.  And after 5 years of different kinds of underwear we eventually started decorating them!  I got some puffy paints last year and made funny references and pictures on them and imagined her future Husband looking at her butt wondering why her underwear said "I Love Jen" on them. =) I like to embarrass her.

Anyways I worked on this painting all last night and today and I am now done.  I'm very proud of myself cause I've never been so detailed with a Black and White flower before.  Especially on a small canvas.  I'll be sending it to her pretty soon and then I'll post the picture.  

Other than that today was a nice day.  There was a nice big Dust Storm outside and then it started to rain a bit. It was nice to have a cool evening.  I've also been having contractions today but they're not consistent enough to be too concerned about it.  But this baby is getting way too big for my tummy!  I think both he and I are ready for him to come out at this point!  Well that's all she wrote! =)


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Hormonal Chai Latte Please

Today was the strangest most oddly hormonal pregnant day I've ever had.  I woke up this morning late because of yesterdays failed attempt to get some sleep.  I was still pretty groggy from the lack of sleep and I could tell already that I was going to be in a bad mood if I didn't do something to change it quick.  So I made myself a Chai Latte!  It's my FAVORITE drink with Caffeine.  Although my friend Sarah Marie banned me from drinking anything with Caffeine in it because of how my body reacts to it!  I seriously go crazy and hyper and all those and more.

So I drank my Chai and immediately felt the caffeine pulse through my veins and instantly like a light bulb I was awake and ready for the world!  So I ate my breakfast and did some research about baby stuff.  Did some paperwork, made a few phone calls, organized, thought about everything imaginable.  Then all of a sudden my NESTING kicked in!  But not the cleaning kind of nesting... it was the PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE "NESTING"!!!

It was similar to the time we're moving and I convinced myself that if we packed everything up in advance that we'd move faster!  But I didn't work. lol but instead of moving I wanted to think about everything that had to get done in the next 6 months so I don't have to stress about it later.  So I started making lists and asking Joel like a thousand questions a minute and searching things up on the web.  Then Joel got frustrated and said something to me that hurt my feelings.

I started balling my eyes out.  I told him I just want everything to be done and ready.  And he of course told me that it was very unrealistic and I needed to take a breather.  Then again I started to cry but this time for no reason.  Just started to let it out... Joel eventually got me to lighten up and laugh.  And I looked up at him and said... do you think me crying and being irrational is my pregnant way of crashing after a caffeine high!  He said Yup that was it! So now I know why woman like me shouldn't drink caffeine while pregnant!  WE GO CRAZY! 

Other than that entertaining day I decided I'm going to paint tonight while Joel's at work.  It'll hopefully motivate me a bit and get my mind tired faster.  Its of a flower (Gerber Daisy) and it's Black & White on a 6in by 6in canvas.  Lets hope it goes well since it is for Sarah Marie.  She's the only one who can yell at me and keep me accountable at this day and time so wish me luck!



Oye I can't sleep!!!! It is currently 3 am and I feel wide awake!  I don't know if its just from being pregnant or if it's something else but for almost a month or so I've been having horrible sleep patterns!  For example I couldn't sleep at all the other day so I tried to lay in bed, watch tv shows, and even played a few games on the kindle.  I was finally getting tired but I could sense a light behind me coming from behind my window blinds.  I thought it was my neighbors bright truck lights shinning in so I looked over to wince at the light and was surprised to see it was not truck lights but the sun coming up... yup it was 5am.

I can't figure out what is keeping me from crashing.  I thought it was because I wasn't tired enough but nope I've been tired all day and when it finally came down to sleep... I just couldn't fall asleep.  I've been living on 4-7 hours asleep every day.  Once I get to sleep I'm pretty good at staying asleep.  I hope this insomnia doesn't last for too much longer.. I need to rest.  My whole body and mind is exhausted.  I thought about taking benadryl but I hate that it also puts baby Odo to sleep as well.  Kinda makes me feel weird about taking it.

I'll probably try to sleep after I'm done writing this but Idk how that will turn out.  Although on the plus side it's nice to see the baby so active even if it is at night.  I didn't realize how much he moved late in the evening.  He actually has the hiccups right now!!! So Cute!!!

I went to a doctors apt yesterday (Monday) and they said that since my blood sugars are still spiking they're going to put me on a diabetic pill and taper down my medication for my PUPPPs. I'm hoping that it helps.  I tend to be pretty bad at testing my sugars when I'm supposed to.  I keep on forgetting... plus I don't have a regular eating schedule which also makes it hard.  I also have a sonogram next week to see the growth of the baby.  I'm hoping his growth spurts are over with but we'll see.

I got my hospital bag repacked and both mine and Joel's diaper bags ready as well.  The room is pretty much put together and all we have left is to get a few more things from target and also return a few items.  And we will be GOOD! I'll be 9 months this Friday!  Can't believe 36 weeks is here already! Well I guess I best be going... it's turning 4am and nothing good happens at 4am in the morning.  Goodnight I hope!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Husband to the Rescue

After a day like yesterday it was nice to be able to sleep in and relax.  I talked to Joel about what was going through my mind and like a wonderful husband that he is, he told me exactly what I needed to hear.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty scared about all of this but I feel a whole lot better knowing that I'm not the only one who's gone through it.  To make this day even better I finished going through all the baby stuff, although I am currently washing all the clothes etc.    
All the stuff from the baby shower! Yikes!
Play Yard!!! I love this thing!
 Last night I told my husband that we needed to have more romantic nights before the baby gets here because we wont have as much one on one time with each other like we're used to. So after getting some laundry done we went swimming over at Joel's parents place and played games.  Then Came home and Joel and I started to make a wonderful meal together.  Joel cooked the Chicken and I helped make the side dishes.  Then we made up the table and I lit some candles and we ate together watching The Office and Parks and Recreation.  It was a huge success which made our evening even better.  Joel's been really good about making me feel comfortable and listening to my irrational rants.  He gave me a nice foot rub and put lotion on my tummy.  He always makes me feel so special when I need it.  And to my surprise he even took control of the rest of the night and blind folded me.... although I will not post about what happened after that... *wink* 
Our semi-casual/formal Date Night set up 
The Sexy Chef of a husband
Overall I had a great day reconnecting with my husband and feeling relieved a bit about having a baby.  I'm so excited to meet this little guy.  I think the nerves are just killing me!  Waiting is the hardest part.  Tomorrow is going to be a super busy day.  Lots of things planned including a Dr Apt.  Yes another NST.  Did I mention that I have a NST twice a week.  It doesn't bother me at all cause I get to see the baby and hear his/her little heartbeat.  I also have some organizing to do and I have to repack the hospital bag into a suitcase so it's easier to lug around!  
Me Super Happy to go Swimming!

I'm a happy camper today and I hope I can stay this way.  But with these hormones it's hard to tell what's going to happen next! 


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Tears of Fear

I was just going through this past day thinking about all that happened.  It was a great day.  Although I got no sleep the night before I still had an amazing time at my Baby Shower my Mother in law and ladies from church planned.  It was this nice big event for Joel, myself, and the baby.  There was great food, and we decorated onesies then opened gifts.  It was a great treat.  Although all the attention was very overwhelming it was nice to see everyone there celebrating a Life with us.

The other night I watched a video on youtube called "The Silent Scream."  My God-Mother told me about it.  Its a Pro-Life anti-abortion video made sometime in the 80's I think.  It was a video that described what an abortion was, how they were performed, and then for the first time, they showed a ultrasound video of a baby being aborted at 12 weeks.  I was appalled to find out how gruesome our society is to think that a little human being can't feel pain.  It may be a "Fetus" but it still has instincts and is still a human.  The beginning of the ultrasound video was interesting to watch.  This tiny little being was sucking his thumb and was at a relaxed state so innocent, then they started the procedure and to see this tiny little defenseless baby try to move away,  that he actually screamed in the womb was just mortifying to watch.  I cried after I watched it and told Joel about it.  I think that video really just struck a nerve.  We're so arrogant as humans.  Taking life for granted in so many ways.  I just wished I could save that poor little guy.

Along with that video I've been going through this emotional roller coaster.  It's probably a mix of hormones and pre-baby jitters but it's still getting to me.  Right after the baby shower I immediately got my nesting bug on and started to organize everything.  Then after exhausting my body I sat down looked at all the stuff and started crying.  It felt like most of this pregnancy was just me playing house and now reality is setting in and I'm having this baby really soon.  I'm literally scared!   My fears of not being a good enough Mom.  Having to make decisions for a little infant is scary to me.  They can't tell me what's wrong or if they're hungry.  Once Joel and all my family goes back to work and home... I'll be home alone with this baby.  I've never had that before. I know once I see this baby and make that bond... there is no breaking it.  And I know that I am ready to be a Mom but it still doesn't stop me from being scared of it... it's so unknown... uncharted territory.

On top of that I'm terrified of going into labor.  I don't know if I can handle the pain.. I want to experience the birth at its full potential and I don't want to disappoint myself and get a epidural nor do I want to suffer in pain for however many hours it takes. And the fear of something happening to me or the baby weighs on my mind.  I'm fully aware that my baby is on the larger side.. what if I can't push the guy out!? I fear getting a c-section.  I'll do it if its necessary but if I were to choose I wouldn't do it otherwise.  I want to be able to hold my baby after he/she is born.  And feel that relief of endorphins and happiness that I did all this work and got the greatest gift God could ever grant us.

I guess this is just my way of venting all my fears.  This whole pregnancy has been a bumpy road for me.. I'm just hoping labor goes smoothly.  And that my motherly instincts kick in.  Oye I feel like crying for no reason except to just cry. Things will be better when Joel gets home.  He always knows how to make me feel better.  Thanks for listening to my rambles.  Goodnight.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Preparations for the Big Day!

Today I am 35 weeks!
~>>>"HAPPY DANCE"<<<~
I have about give or take 4 weeks left in this Pregnancy and now its officially time to prepare for labor!  I'm the kind of girl who likes to be aware of her surroundings and be super prepared for all scenarios even if it'll most likely never happen.  So yes I am also one of those girls who over pack for overnight trips as well! Ha ha.  I'm getting better at down sizing but I still need to work on that!

I got my birth plan all squared away tho!  I did my research and I know pretty much what I want in all scenarios; although "a baby" is a scenario that I can't prepare for quite yet.  That's a whole other ball park! I do have my hospital bag packed as well!  There are just a few things missing that we'll hopefully throw in before we leave! (Yeah Right) 

Tomorrow is my first official Baby Shower!  I'm super duper excited about it!  I love parties and presents! Although all the attention is a little overwhelming I do love it!  Course tomorrow is all about baby Odo so lots of Tummy Rubs and predictions of if its a girl or boy... I'm sure of it! It's fun hearing all the wives tales about pregnancy.

I'm pretty sure my body is preparing for this baby's debut.  Every night I have those annoying Braxton Hicks contractions... which irritates Odo who squashes my bladder which makes me pee and then it happens all over again! lol never a dull moment I'm telling you. I'm not sure if we announced the baby's names whether she's a girl or he's a boy.  

GIRL NAME: Rachel Sophia

BOY NAME:   Kyle Michael 

We picked Rachel Sophia for a girl because Sophia is my Saint name is very important to me.  The name Rachel just came to me tho.  I couldn't get the name out of my mind when I found out I was pregnant.  So I thought it was for a reason.

We picked Kyle Michael for the boy name because Kyle was the name of Joel's best friend who passed away in a car accident that they were all in 10 years ago.  Michael is after my Dad =)  Its a strong male name and I felt like it was appropriate.  We'll be calling him "Mikey" for short if its a boy since I already have friends and a cousin named Kyle.

I'm super excited that the day is getting closer but it still seems so far away to me.  I just can't wait to have this beautiful baby in my arms.  See who he/she looks like the most and to be parents.  I'm so ready for this.  


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Pregnant Gal's Life

The under shirt that barely fits me.
The Scrubs Joel thought that would look
cute on me =P
So today when I woke up and tried to get dressed every single shirt I tried on didn't fit!  Now keep in mind I was wearing these shirts 2 weeks ago and they fit me then! So I got really frustrated and just decided I didn't want to get dressed!  So Joel took that as a sign for him to step up and take charge of the situation.  So he rummaged through his closet and found a huge (XL) Scrub top and gave me his gym pants and a white undershirt.  He said now you have to wear this all day cause its my day to dress you however I want to! He makes me laugh. =) 

Then I got a phone call today from the hospital saying my insurance wasn't going thru and that I had to pay $300 for my appointment on thurs!  So we called up my insurance and I was furious cause you can't stop insurance so no reason for a PREGNANT GAL! Eventually we talked to someone who finally knew what they were talking about and actually realized their mistake and apologized for closing my insurance cause they did it illegally and without any consent so that made me feel better.  

I've been testing my blood sugars all day today and I'm so proud of myself that my sugars have been stable! Yay! Healthy Baby! I'm excited for my NST on Thurs ( Non-Stress Test).  Little Odo is so funny when we go to those appointments.  Like last week I think he was asleep at first so we could hear his heartbeat but he wasn't really in the moving mood.  Then all of a sudden Odo got the hiccups.  Now for my NST's I have to click this button every time I feel the baby move.  And since he had the hiccups I had to record every single hiccup! LOL Have in mind this lasted for like 4 minutes! Haha It was pretty funny! 

I have physical therapy today!  I have to go because of my hips.  I have something called "Pelvic Shearing' where my hips either tilt forward or back and distort my tailbone... yeah it hurts! So I go to get it adjusted and strengthen my muscles.  I always feel so much better afterwards =)

Hummm what else is going on in our lives... OH! We taught our 2 cats how to sit!!! Every time we feed them or give them a treat they have to sit!  Its so cute!  Now when we have food they want they just come up to us and sit and stare... like they're expecting to get something.  

Well so far that is pretty much it..  I hope you all have a SUN-SHINING DAY! =D