
Friday, October 28, 2011

Ridiculous Crazy Me!

I'm 8 weeks today! And I think for the most part my pity party is over! lol I talked to my best friend and I talked to my husband and I cried but felt so much better afterwards.  I realized how silly I was being... the main reason I found out how much this baby is affecting my emotions is when my husband and I were uh "Love Wrestling" and afterwards I looked at him and said, "I'm going to cry!" And I had no idea why I was crying... so of course my husband starts laughing  (On a side note the only way Joel can handle my hormonal craziness is by laughing and asking, "Is that gunna make you cry" and normally I would be pissed but its his way of coping lol.  And most of the time I'm laughing too).  So yeah Joel starts laughing and of course that makes me laugh cause I know how ridiculous this is for me to be crying and instead of laughing I cry more and more!  Every time I laughed it made me cry! ha I must say that was the first time I ever cried and laughed at the same time! I love my husband!

Today I'm feeling a bit better than most days.  My nausea is not as intense and I'm feeling more relaxed than before.  Oh I got this adorable Pregnancy Calendar I love it! It helps me get distracted when needed.  

Yes Halloween is in 2 days maybe 3... my internal calendar is off! I figured instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money on a costume I'll probably only fit into once in my lifetime, I decided I want to carve a baby pumpkin and have Carmel Apples!  And probably go to the movies and watch Paranormal Activity 3! lol I think that sounds like a good plan and day.

I am happy.  This baby has made me a crazy, emotional wreck.  I hope that soon I will get a hold of these hormones so I don't accidentally kick someones butt!  I have a little more than 2 weeks left till my next appointment and I can't wait!  I wanna see my baby and hear his/her heartbeat!  I wanna know that I'm not dreaming or not making this up in my head!  Am I really Pregnant!  Am I really a Mom?! Can I really do this?  Holy Crap there's a baby inside me! There's an actual Human Being being made inside me! How is that possible!? Boy am I talented!  lol 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pity Party Time

Today I am 7 weeks and 4 days. And this has been a seriously emotional week.  I keep crying over little random things and thinking too much about other thing that make me cry even more!  Today I was sitting on the couch watching Vampire Diaries, I was eating a English muffin and drinking tea when I got some stuck in the wrong tube... I started coughing then all of a sudden I just puked all over my plate and hand (TMI) so I ran to the bathroom to wash my hands and started to throw up again.  Oye.  That was my morning.

The other day my friend Stephanie and I were watching Bridesmaids, which was funny yet crude and that made me cry as well.  I look back at my wedding and I realized how distracted I was at that moment of course and I forgot to cherish the one thing I was giving up... my Best friend Sarah Marie.  I should have had a one on one girly date with her but I didn't and now I'm crying over it... bah...

Also its Halloween this coming Monday and I have nothing to do.  No parties, game nights, date nights, dressing up... nothing.  I feel so depressed that I don't have many friends to celebrate with on these random yet important occasions.

I'm sure this is just my hormones getting the best of me... even Joel starting laughing at me telling me I have nothing to worry about... but he'll also be gone soon in the Navy and then I'll have nobody.  There I go again... pity party for Jen on isle 9! lol  I'll be better soon I'm sure I just wish everything wasn't so overwhelming!


Friday, October 21, 2011

A few little Tweaks to my Attitude

So now that I'm pregnant and can't do much I figured I would entertain you all with what I'm experiencing.  There's a lot rambling in my mind right now that I just don't know how to feel about this.  I'm of course super excited I could have a little boy or girl running around in 8 months... but am I really ready for this!!! I'm going to be a Mom!  Some other mini human being's Mother!  Somehow that just doesn't seem right... I mean I'm just a kid myself.  Staying out late, sleeping around (with my husband of course), I love to enjoy the random things in life and I would to go to disneyland and go on all the rollar coaster rides... but I can't! lol 

I'm probably just acting like this cause I'm SUPER hormonal!  Here are my symptoms for week 6:  Slight Tummy Cramps, sleepiness during the day, insomnia at night, always mad a something, can't eat cheese or anything for that matter without making me wanna GAG! I pee like a MILLION times a day, my back aches, I feel Nauseious all flippin day, I get minor headaches all day, and my Poop turned green (TMI)! 

So I guess men can understand why woman are mad and crying all the time! There ain't a party in my tummy just a whole like of grossness! Hopefully it'll go away tho!!!  I am a little nervous about Joel joining the Navy since they might take him as soon as November the recruiter said.  I figure if he's in boot camp I'll just travel to see my parents first and then to CA to see my friends and have a Baby Shower.  Hopefully it'll take my mind off of him being gone.  

God gave me this Baby for a reason!  I sure wasn't trying anymore so I'm glad that this is God's Will and not my own.  Oh yeah so BTW don't mess with a pregnant woman! I don't know what it is about being pregnant but BOY I got a lot of back bone and I feel like I can knock a man out whose being annoying.  Or disrespectful!  So watch out! lol and be nice to the baby! Mamma's kicking some A$$! lol Ok I'm done I feel better!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm back with a lot more than I left with! lol

Bah bet your wondering "Where the heck did she go!?" Well have no fear The J-My-ster is here! Its been a crazy month and I have to catch you up on it!  So Last month my family and I Traveled to Tombstone and Bisbe Arizona.  It was a nice break and I really needed the time away.  We stayed in a haunted hotel and ate great food. Saw some live shows and learn lots of history about AZ.  Then I missed my period.

I didn't really think much of it since my cycles are so irregular these days so I just shrugged it off.  Probably about 3 to 4 months ago I stopped counting and thinking about having babies all together.  I still thought of them but just not in a motherly type matter.  I came to realize that I'll only have a Baby when God thinks I'm ready and its not healthy for me to obsess over it.  So I just stopped and started focusing on the house and Joel joining the Navy and also my education.

So Joel and I were in a good place and things are finally looking up.  After a week of no period showing up I decided to take a Pregnancy test just in case.  Since I had been feeling strange and something just didn't feel the same... I took a test and it was positive.  I was shocked!  But Excited!  I told Joel and he too was excited.  I didn't believe my eyes so towards the evening I took another test to confirm it.. and it was still positive as ever! 

So I'm Pregnant! I'm over 6 weeks today and I have my first Ultrasound in 4 weeks so I'm super excited! Now its time to rumble!