
Monday, December 5, 2011

Reality Checks

Sorry I haven't been writing.  I've been avoiding writing for a while because I've been so stressed out with everything that's going on.  I'm 13 weeks Pregnant!  I will be 14 weeks this Friday!

Other than being pregnant it turns out we're moving again! lol We found a nice place closer into town and idk I feel like we're growing up finally.  We're even saving up for a washer and dryer machine.  LOL Only old people do that!  It'll be nice to have our own place at last.  We found out that no matter who you live with (Besides Spouses) there's always going to be conflict.  With Joel and I growing up to be good parents we have to beware of who we have in our lives cause they will influence our little ones.

Course Christmas is right around the corner and I'm super excited! I think Christmas is the one thing keeping me going so I'm not having anxiety attacks! I get so overwhelmed by the littlest things.  And soooo EMOTIONAL! Gah I love being Pregnant I just wish I had some kind of Pregnant Friend nearby.

I'm hoping that we can move before Christmas so I can sorta Decorate for the rest of December and the 40 days after!

Anyways I'm totally babbling cause I'm sleepy and I felt like writing something! lol I promise that I'll be more perky next time! lol


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meaningless Fights

So its currently past midnight and I can't sleep and I'm upset! lol I know pregnant woman have the tendency to exaggerate situations, fights, emotions, ect... but I feel very upset all the same.  My husband and I were talking about some Very personal stuff, stuff I've NEVER told anyone and I think he gets it... then the next he forgets and does the thing that hurts me and makes me feel bad.  My husband is a great guy but times likes these I just need him to realize what he has said/done.  I would've talked to him about it.. but for some odd reason he thought me crying was the queue for turning off lights and going to bed! Bah men are so clueless! 

So I run to the bathroom to collect my thoughts and I realize that this argument isn't really that big of a deal and I KNOW I'm being ridiculous But at the same time I should still tell him whats happening otherwise I'll still be upset!  Funny how fights seem so worth it at the time... your argument is so agreeable and right... then you run off to vent and when you try to gather your thoughts its like... oh I guess he could be right... or wait why was upset at him again.  

Course no matter what the fight I do love my husband and I know he's a man... so I don't expect him to know everything about me and understand it! I will always run back to him.  Thanks for hearing my rant... I feel better!  I really just needed to let this out and since its so late I have no one else to talk to right now... Ok well goodnight!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Ridiculous Crazy Me!

I'm 8 weeks today! And I think for the most part my pity party is over! lol I talked to my best friend and I talked to my husband and I cried but felt so much better afterwards.  I realized how silly I was being... the main reason I found out how much this baby is affecting my emotions is when my husband and I were uh "Love Wrestling" and afterwards I looked at him and said, "I'm going to cry!" And I had no idea why I was crying... so of course my husband starts laughing  (On a side note the only way Joel can handle my hormonal craziness is by laughing and asking, "Is that gunna make you cry" and normally I would be pissed but its his way of coping lol.  And most of the time I'm laughing too).  So yeah Joel starts laughing and of course that makes me laugh cause I know how ridiculous this is for me to be crying and instead of laughing I cry more and more!  Every time I laughed it made me cry! ha I must say that was the first time I ever cried and laughed at the same time! I love my husband!

Today I'm feeling a bit better than most days.  My nausea is not as intense and I'm feeling more relaxed than before.  Oh I got this adorable Pregnancy Calendar I love it! It helps me get distracted when needed.  

Yes Halloween is in 2 days maybe 3... my internal calendar is off! I figured instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money on a costume I'll probably only fit into once in my lifetime, I decided I want to carve a baby pumpkin and have Carmel Apples!  And probably go to the movies and watch Paranormal Activity 3! lol I think that sounds like a good plan and day.

I am happy.  This baby has made me a crazy, emotional wreck.  I hope that soon I will get a hold of these hormones so I don't accidentally kick someones butt!  I have a little more than 2 weeks left till my next appointment and I can't wait!  I wanna see my baby and hear his/her heartbeat!  I wanna know that I'm not dreaming or not making this up in my head!  Am I really Pregnant!  Am I really a Mom?! Can I really do this?  Holy Crap there's a baby inside me! There's an actual Human Being being made inside me! How is that possible!? Boy am I talented!  lol 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pity Party Time

Today I am 7 weeks and 4 days. And this has been a seriously emotional week.  I keep crying over little random things and thinking too much about other thing that make me cry even more!  Today I was sitting on the couch watching Vampire Diaries, I was eating a English muffin and drinking tea when I got some stuck in the wrong tube... I started coughing then all of a sudden I just puked all over my plate and hand (TMI) so I ran to the bathroom to wash my hands and started to throw up again.  Oye.  That was my morning.

The other day my friend Stephanie and I were watching Bridesmaids, which was funny yet crude and that made me cry as well.  I look back at my wedding and I realized how distracted I was at that moment of course and I forgot to cherish the one thing I was giving up... my Best friend Sarah Marie.  I should have had a one on one girly date with her but I didn't and now I'm crying over it... bah...

Also its Halloween this coming Monday and I have nothing to do.  No parties, game nights, date nights, dressing up... nothing.  I feel so depressed that I don't have many friends to celebrate with on these random yet important occasions.

I'm sure this is just my hormones getting the best of me... even Joel starting laughing at me telling me I have nothing to worry about... but he'll also be gone soon in the Navy and then I'll have nobody.  There I go again... pity party for Jen on isle 9! lol  I'll be better soon I'm sure I just wish everything wasn't so overwhelming!


Friday, October 21, 2011

A few little Tweaks to my Attitude

So now that I'm pregnant and can't do much I figured I would entertain you all with what I'm experiencing.  There's a lot rambling in my mind right now that I just don't know how to feel about this.  I'm of course super excited I could have a little boy or girl running around in 8 months... but am I really ready for this!!! I'm going to be a Mom!  Some other mini human being's Mother!  Somehow that just doesn't seem right... I mean I'm just a kid myself.  Staying out late, sleeping around (with my husband of course), I love to enjoy the random things in life and I would to go to disneyland and go on all the rollar coaster rides... but I can't! lol 

I'm probably just acting like this cause I'm SUPER hormonal!  Here are my symptoms for week 6:  Slight Tummy Cramps, sleepiness during the day, insomnia at night, always mad a something, can't eat cheese or anything for that matter without making me wanna GAG! I pee like a MILLION times a day, my back aches, I feel Nauseious all flippin day, I get minor headaches all day, and my Poop turned green (TMI)! 

So I guess men can understand why woman are mad and crying all the time! There ain't a party in my tummy just a whole like of grossness! Hopefully it'll go away tho!!!  I am a little nervous about Joel joining the Navy since they might take him as soon as November the recruiter said.  I figure if he's in boot camp I'll just travel to see my parents first and then to CA to see my friends and have a Baby Shower.  Hopefully it'll take my mind off of him being gone.  

God gave me this Baby for a reason!  I sure wasn't trying anymore so I'm glad that this is God's Will and not my own.  Oh yeah so BTW don't mess with a pregnant woman! I don't know what it is about being pregnant but BOY I got a lot of back bone and I feel like I can knock a man out whose being annoying.  Or disrespectful!  So watch out! lol and be nice to the baby! Mamma's kicking some A$$! lol Ok I'm done I feel better!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm back with a lot more than I left with! lol

Bah bet your wondering "Where the heck did she go!?" Well have no fear The J-My-ster is here! Its been a crazy month and I have to catch you up on it!  So Last month my family and I Traveled to Tombstone and Bisbe Arizona.  It was a nice break and I really needed the time away.  We stayed in a haunted hotel and ate great food. Saw some live shows and learn lots of history about AZ.  Then I missed my period.

I didn't really think much of it since my cycles are so irregular these days so I just shrugged it off.  Probably about 3 to 4 months ago I stopped counting and thinking about having babies all together.  I still thought of them but just not in a motherly type matter.  I came to realize that I'll only have a Baby when God thinks I'm ready and its not healthy for me to obsess over it.  So I just stopped and started focusing on the house and Joel joining the Navy and also my education.

So Joel and I were in a good place and things are finally looking up.  After a week of no period showing up I decided to take a Pregnancy test just in case.  Since I had been feeling strange and something just didn't feel the same... I took a test and it was positive.  I was shocked!  But Excited!  I told Joel and he too was excited.  I didn't believe my eyes so towards the evening I took another test to confirm it.. and it was still positive as ever! 

So I'm Pregnant! I'm over 6 weeks today and I have my first Ultrasound in 4 weeks so I'm super excited! Now its time to rumble!


Friday, September 16, 2011

The Awakening!

So over the past couple years I've been in a weird depression.  Leading me to gain a few pounds... its ok I really don't mind that anyone says so because I've come to terms with it.  But instead of thinking about what used to be and what could have been I'm actually finally starting to do something!  So I'm going to get off my butt and get this life into gear and do something good for myself.  

The first thing I'm going to try probably tonight is, "THE 100 WORKOUT" its mostly designed for women but I'm sure men could try it as well.  I head it from a friend on facebook who said that it works pretty darn good so I think I'm going to give it a go.  This is what it is:

  • 100 Jumping Jacks
  • 90 Crunches
  • 80 Squats
  • 70 Leg Lifts
  • 60 Jumping Jacks
  • 50 Crunches
  • 40 Squats
  • 30 Leg Lifts
  • 20 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Minutes of Running

It sounds very challenging especially since I haven't done most of these workouts since High School but it will be good for me.

Secondly I'm going to "TRY" (Keyword Try) the South Beach Diet with Joel, Sara, and David.  So we can all keep both motivated and accountable!  And also reward ourselves! But that probably won't start until a few weeks because we need some money for groceries and we need the book.  

Lastly Starting Monday Joel and I are going to cut Computers, TV, Internet (Except for Joel's email), and video/movies/tv shows, out for a whole week and find different things to do.  Cause my Mom was right I and Joel do spend too much time on electronic devices!  So I think its about time we start focusing on other things that are better for us emotionally, spiritually, and physically!  

Plus if Joel does get accepted into the Navy I need to be able to take care of myself starting now so I don't spiral into another depression and focus on things that aren't important in life... like the computer!  I'll keep a log about this next week on paper and then possibly write it down later... we'll see! 


Sunday, September 11, 2011

It was the Best of days it was the Worst of days

This week has been a great week.  On Friday we taught swing dancing and we had a good group of people and everyone was learning pretty fast!  And then after that it was raining and we were headed to a comedy club when the street turned into a river!  No kidding FLASH FLOOD warnings.... They're not Kidding!  Our car barely made it thru it... It almost died a couple times thank goodness Joel was driving!  I would've freaked out so  badly lol! Then we went to Laff's Comedy Club where a friend's Mom performs and we watched them... they were very raunchy but it was quite enjoyable.

Then afterwards we went back to "Our Place" and played Rock Band and just enjoyed our time together.  Got a couple drinks and spent time with friends... I gotta say that this was probably the first Awesome Friday Night Out that I've had in a long time!  It was defiantly nice.

Right now I am home with John, Mike, and John's Niece are here and I am currently both happy and incredibly irritated! I'm happy because John's Niece is cute and I love children and she's defiantly entertaining.  The irritating part is that I tried to show them my Home videos and most of the time no one was really paying attention which was okay until Mike started criticizing every SINGLE LITTLE THING! OMG!  I don't care if its not correct or that its lame and CHEESY!  It's a FLIPPING Child's PLAY!  OMG!  I was about to Slap someone!  I almost told them to get out! Ugggg

But I'm getting them back by making them watch a Cheesy Kid movie!  "Care-Bears" Muahahahaha! I'm too bad! Ha ha ha.  I'm feeling better now.  My venting has gone away.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


First day back and both Joel and I are SICK! Defiantly not what I wanted to come home to.  When Joel gets sick I kinda become his mother in the sense that I take care of everything all day pretty much.  And when I get sick I tend to overdue my abilities and make everything worse mainly cause I hate staying still and I feel bad when people take care of me.

But other than being sick its nice to be home.  I cleaned the kitchen so I feel good about being sick now.  As long as I can accomplish something throughout my day then I can be ok.  I'm super tired though.  Its nice to be home and around friends.  We'll see what happens now that we're back. Sorry I'm very scattered brained!  Can't really think straight.

I think I'm going to cut this short before I start to blabber a little too much!  Hopefully we'll get better!


Monday, September 5, 2011

Family Reunion

Wow this Mini Family Reunion has been a blast.  We had about 19 people here in total and it was a challenge to keep up with everyone.  On Saturday we went to a fancy restaurant called "The Rim" apparently its for rich people! lol And then Sunday we went to a place called "The Water Wheel" and its pretty much a river with natural slides and lots or natural pools to swim in and lots of hiking.  And boy was I tired... I ended up falling on our way back and scraped my knee up a tad.  We also had a huge BBQ with everyone and Jenelle, Kyle, Joel, Jason (Tim's Friend), and myself made a movie spoof based off of Skylight, which we called "BoreLite." 

And now it is Monday and we're relaxing and I'm finishing up the movie so we can watch it later today and probably helping my Grandpa out with a few things at the shop.  He owns and runs a Gun Shop up here in Payson.  

Soon tomorrow will roll around and we'll be driving back to Tucson and getting back to reality.  I sometimes wish I could go back in time and just be a kid for a while.  Enjoying life and living in the moment.  Whenever I came back to this place I have great memories of growing up and being creative making forts and movies.  I never want to leave my childhood.  Its makes me happy but these trips make me sad.  Not because I'm leaving them but because everything is changing and we're all grown up now. Nothing will ever be the same.

Who knows by next year one of us kids could be having a little one of our own.  Or Tim could be getting married and Jenelle and Kyle could be too busy to visit. This may or may not be the last time we will all be here together like this again.  Its a scary but bittersweet feeling.  Change is going to happen whether we like it or not.  But at this moment in time I wish things didn't have to change. I wish this could be the place that never changed and we would always be children running and playing in the woods.  Makes me want to cry just thinking that will never happen again. 

I hope that I'll be able to concieve and give birth to a baby before my grandparents pass away.  My dream is for them to meet their great grandchildren as soon as they can.  So I guess I just have to pray and wait!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Taking A Breather

 Well I was going to post a day or two ago but moving and traveling caused me to put it off for just a little bit.  I have been having a great time lately.  We're finally done moving everything into our new casa and now we're trying to organize and go through everything which is overwhelming but a lot less than moving.
Beautiful September Sunset
Also Joel and I have been talking about the future a lot more and there's a lot that we have in store for us.  Joel is going to sign up for the air-force and try to become a chaplain.  Which I have mixed feelings about.  I love the idea because its a good reliable job Joel could get but idk if I like the whole being a part for months and months at a time.  But if it happened I would be supportive all the way! 
Outside my parent's window
I am currently at my parents place in Payson, Az.  My Aunt Carolyn will be in town for a few days and we haven't seen her in a few years! She's pretty awesome!  She's actually on her way here as we speak so I'm excited.  We are also making homemade sushi which my mom Rocks at making! I made some too for the first time.  Tim my brother is playing video games and I'm relaxing watching at the moment.  
My Horchata

My Aunt Flo showed up today as well which makes me happy!  I can drink some Alcohol! YAY!  I need to release some stress!  lol  So far this month is off to a great start.  Oh and Joel found a gas station that sells Harchata (Rice Milk Drink) for only 79 cents!  So I am defiantly enjoying that!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Definition:  The act or instance of making or becoming different.


"Life is always at some turning point." -Irwin Edman

"The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable." -John F. Kennedy

Change is hard.  Not only that... change is necessary.  For about 2 years my life has been constantly changing one thing after another.  Starting off with moving, meeting Joel, getting married, moving again and again, and loosing jobs and getting another job, maybe babies, then loosing a baby.  Life has defiantly been at its full force lately.

I'm not saying I hate life... I'm mostly saying that I'm ready for my life to take a new direction. I'm hoping that now that we've moved that we'll stay at this place for a while.  Mainly because I love the company and also because I feel like I can be myself here.  Like its finally time for Me to be Myself.  Which has been really tough for me since I moved to AZ.  

My husband always tells me "Would you rather feel the pain of Change or the pain of Regret?" Which really makes me think about my choices a lot more. I recently started exercising a lot more and have been "trying" to eat a lot better for myself.  I'm going swimming a lot so I don't have to work up a sweat lol and I've been trying to do some more positive thinking.  

I have a very low self-esteem which effects my friendships and relationships a lot.  I always need reassurance that I look good or that I've done the right thing.  Because I'm just not that confident about who I am and what I do.  I've been trying to change that way of thinking but its so hard.  But I'm keeping at it.  

I have had a very moody week so far.  I didn't notice until this morning that my Period is late... which is making me irritated because today was a day that I NEEDED at drink.  Mostly an alcoholic beverage preferably!  But nope my Aunt Flo hasn't showed up so I can't drink! Oye! I'm hoping that I am pregnant but I doubt I am.  I don't really have any symptoms besides the obvious PMS symptoms so I guess I could have a drink.  But I need to respect my body and not give into temptation I really don't need alcohol that bad.  I just need to punch something ha.  

Last night I got sick... I think it was from the junk food or something.  My stomach started to hurt really bad and before I knew it I was throwing up in the toilet.  About 30 minutes later I feel really ache and my stomach was empty.  But the nausea went away.  

Well.... Here's to Change... May something Good come of It! <3


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Moving: Phase 2

So we still have a long way to go but we basically cleaned everything up and organized all that were in boxes are in better, prettier places. We did move all of our Bathroom and Bedding set here.  We also brought all our cat stuff and our two cats here as well.  

Poor scared kitties are under the couch freaking out.  They were exploring but now they're just scared and haven't come out yet.  But I assume that when they get hungry or need to. Oh wow speaking of the cats they just came out and I stuck them in the bathroom so they can use the potty and eat so hopefully they do.

We went swimming today after cleaning for a few hours and now every muscle in my body is sore! Ug! Well tomorrow is the big day when we move the rest of the stuff in!  So be prepared for a poorly spelled and lethargic sounding post because I will be so tired! lol But all is well and we're loving this place already!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Moving Phase 1

So today is the day where we move as much stuff as we can until Monday rolls around.  So far we got a few boxes moved in.. our entertainment center and are huge sofa which our strong men bravely took up the stairs nearly killing themselves!  Have I mentioned how much I love these Men and how appreciative I am of them... Well if I haven't I am now.  Without these strong, witty, brave, sarcastic, amazingly funny and adorable men all us girls would either be bored or lesbians! And neither of those sound too pleasing! lol  So thank you men for helping when needed and being there when we need it the most =)
The Entertainment Center almost Done.
So we're all still alittle overwhelmed by all this moving  and unpacking.  My whole body aches from scrubbing the bathroom, moving boxes and furniture and putting Joel's brand new desk together.  I had this sudden burst of energy from drinking coffee of course and just couldn't stop doing things.  Course having my whole life sprawled out in front of everybody (as in all my items in general) is a little overwhelming to me.  I get very mad at myself because people have to stare at my junk.  
This is the Mess I'm talking about.
I know to most of my friends its not a big deal and its understandable to have a mess cause we are indeed moving in... I just still feel responsible for mess and embarrassed that everyone has to be overwhelmed by it as well.  But the good thing is I'm starting to see a good change in this place.  Things are looking more feminine and clean.  I love how organized and stylish everything is turning out to be.  
Sorta Blurry but its stylish

The Sofa Made it safely
Here's Joel's desk.  I put it together all by myself!

The tub that I literally scrubbed til I couldn't no more.

Safe to say I have officially overworked myself but I am content because everything looks pretty.  I'm super excited about painting Stephanie's living room too.  I have it all planned out and so does Bethany.  I also get to design my room too!  So I'm SOOOOO excited about that one! lol  I think my Hubby is bringing the cats over as we speak so I'll let you know how them react to this brand spanking new place! lol I'm pretty sure they'll flip!  


Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Joel

Today is Joel's Birthday!  Yay!  Also its our friend Alex's Birthday as well!  So far not much has happened mainly because we're getting ready to move on Saturday and Monday. But Joel and I did have our alone times together and it was indeed nice.  

Right now I'm sitting in our Church Educational Center where we are indeed having swing dance lessons. Course about 30 minutes ago I started feeling the weird pain around my left hip and it hurts so bad.  I have no idea what I did to it.  I didn't really do a whole lot today except for clean some.  So I'm sitting in pain wondering when this darn Alieve will kick in so I can hopefully dance a little bit.

Later tonight we're going to Zachary's Pizza to Celebrate the Boyz birthdays and probably just all hang out.  I feel like being social today I just I feel better by that time!  Ug DUMB LEG! 

So I haven't been talking about babies much either... but its mainly because I was seeing if I could keep my mind off of them... Nope I can't.  I love babies too much to stop thinking about having one.  I told Joel and if nothing happens til December then I want to see a fertility doctor just to make sure everything is ok with both of us!  

Oh and Joel is going to join the Air Force.  We'll see if he'll make it!!! We have so many plans I hope everything runs smoothly from here until we get going!  


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting Going On Life

I finally got around to writing again.  Joel and i had an amazing One Year Anniversary yesterday.  I woke up and he made me some breakfast and gave my not one... but TWO bouquet of flowers.  One bouquet was very colorful and beautiful and the other was a dozen roses!  I love him.  
<3 My Flowers! <3

Then we spend time together watching TV shows like The Office and well.. doing married business.  Then we got all Snazzed  up and went to Olive Garden and had a wonderful meal and dessert.  Then went to the movies and watched Kong Fu Panda 2.  Which was hilarious BTW.  

The only bad thing was that when I woke up for some reason all my joints mainly the ones below my waist we inflamed and sore and swollen.  So I could hardly walk or sit or even move without hurting all over.  I think I was having an allergic reaction cause I've had the reaction before to a shaving lotion.  But I'm not positive.  But I took some alieve and by the end of the night I was starting to finally feel better.  But my night was very delightful.

Today was a nice day as well.  Mainly just sat around lounging. And played DnD with some friends which was quite hilarious! lol Joey and I were our own group and we stumbled upon John, Cliff, and Mikes group and we're starting to join alliances.  I feel so much better playing with them tho.  They're a lot of fun and always keep things... Interesting... lol for once I can be myself in a DND world! ha ha.  Hopefully Stephanie will start playing with us so I can have another girl playing with me!!! 

Other than that we're starting to move soon and I'm super excited!!! Love living here! At "Our House" defiantly a great place to be and great company!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Not in the mood!

Well today was a tiring and bumpy road.  Joel unfortunately didn't get the Sheriff Job.  Part of the physical you had to be able to have certain amount of flexibility and although Joel was .15 of an inch away they still wouldn't give it to him.  So when he got home he was depressed and wanted to sulk which I decided was not what he needed.  He needed to talk to his friends and family cause they know how to make people feel better (Its in their job description).  Then eventually he started to feel better and we went to church and hung out with a few good friends afterwards.  

Then Adam invited us to go to a backyard music bash over at a friends and so we went.  And at first it was fun listening to everyone and we dance a bit.  But then everyone it seemed HAD to smoke and I can't stand smoke nor smoking because my grandparents both died because they smoked.  So I never want to be around it and if I am it makes me sick.  

So here I am feeling sick and starting to realize that this is not my crowd of people.  They may be great people inside in and out but it was just way too overwhelming for me.  Too many people way too many convos and so I shut down.  I wanted to talk to Joel cause at least then I would tell someone how I was doing, but he was so busy BBQing and talking to all the ladies and gents that he never actually TALKed to me yes he Talked about me but its not that same at that time and place.  

And because of that I just started to get very irritated and angry so we finally left and I try to talk to Joel about it calmly cause I know he's tired and I don't want him to think I'm that mad.  And even tho I was about to burst... I knew I was being irrational but for his sake and mine I had to talk about it otherwise it'll build up and get worse.  So when I actually get around to talking to him he get mad at me.  Which makes it worst and then when I try to defend myself he starts falling asleep!!! UG!  How do I work with that!? So now I am too mad to go back and talk to him so I took my cat ad put some comfy clothes on and I'm sleeping on a comfy couch tonight. 

Worse thing is our anniversary is on Monday and I had being mad around this time.  But then again I just wanted to tell him how I was feeling and he just turned it around and made it about him... so idk... I guess we'll have to talk tomorrow. Today was not the best of days.

Although I did paint some more.  Its looking good =) 


Friday, August 19, 2011

Just an inch away from it all!

Well this coming Monday is Joel and My Anniversary!  One Whole Flippin' Year!!!!!!  Wow it went by so fast yet I felt like I've been with him much longer.  We have known each other now for 2 years which seems like such a long time in a short while.  But its true when your having fun time does fly!  These past 2 years have been the most roller coaster filled years of my life but in the end its making me stronger!  

Today is also Swing Lessons, we are going to be reviewing one last time on all that we've learned and then letting everyone dance and teaching them rhythm cause some of them do need it.  I think it'll be fun.  

My art project is coming along.  I got the basics down and I need to talk to my mom about it cause she's the master of the arts pretty much and she'll know if its a good idea or not.  I hope that it will be and then she'll show it to apple jack and maybe they'll sign me a contract so I can possibly paint and sell different but similar images of this.  I would post it but I'm pretty sure someone would probably try to steal my idea if I did.  SO I'll keep you posted on that one.  I should be seeing my family on labor day weekend cause my Aunts coming to town YAY!  So then I can show my mom the Actual idea and see what she thinks. 

Well other than being all dressed up and no where to go yet... idk what else there is... OH except that tomorrow Joel is taking his physical test for his sheriff job so please pray from him!  We have high hope for this job!!!  

OK that's it! Love Y'all!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dancing in the Rain

Well altho today has been rather slow and blah... I did have an awesome time running in the rain.  Every summer I like to at least once, dance in the rain and get soaked!  This year it has been tough tho cause the rain is so scattered or I'm sleeping or it rains when I'm indoors doing something important and stops once I reach outside.  But not today!  I heard the Thunder and new today was the day to Dance!

Me excited to see Rain!!!

Hey wait... whats over there?!


Best Day Ever!

I am Completely soaked but a Happy Camper.
Other than having another emotional day trying to work through my feelings of left out emotions and telling everyone the truth,  dancing in the rain made my day feel freeing and calmed down.  I also talked to my friends in cali and I must say I am feeling a lot better about that situation and I miss them a lot.  I have an awesome art project that I want to try to sell I'm going to show it to my Mom who I hope will help me work all the kinks out and get the ball rollings!  All in all today is getting better... 


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Letting go...

Well after my venting session  and talking to my husband and to Stephanie and a few more friends of mine, I am stricken with the truth that I am wrong again with some things.  I do have friends who care they just don't know how to care at the moment cause I'm pretty much a new toy to them!  But as so some of my friends in Cali I guess I'll just let them go and not talk to them and if they call me or text me then I'll open that door once again.

Its just hard when friendships are so big to me.  Letting someone go is like cutting a piece of my heart off... its not pretty nor does it feel good.  But what must be done... must be done.  And when/if they realize they're missing something I hope its me that they're missing.

On a brighter note I prayed for the first time in a long time.  I was taking a bath cause I wasn't feeling good and I was feeling very overwhelmed by my emotions so I decided a nice warm steamy bath would help me relax which then help me realize that... I forgot to pray about what was going on.  I forgot to talk to God about what I've been going thru so I did and afterwards I felt amazing.  I now feel like my soul has been cleansed and I think I am ready to move on.

But to all my friends out there both lost and found, with me, or long distance, past, present, and future... I will always love you and I will always be here if you realize where Jen go! lol


So Alone

I feel so alone this week more than I have ever felt in my entire life.  The only person who wants to take the time to get to know me is my husband.  I just don't belong anywhere.  I know I know people have lives I'm not saying that I don't have "friends" I just feel like nobody wants to be friends the way I treat my friends.

I'm a very understanding, always listening, anytime any place kind of person.  I used to have that in California but lately my friends in Cali are getting swept away in their lives that when I need to talk to someone, they're not there.  So maybe my new friends here want to listen to me since I listen to all their problems and help them get over issues.  And last night I realized that they just don't think of me that way either.

Yes when we're one on one maybe they'll listen to me.  But when I'm upset and everyone sees it I just wish someone would pull me aside and ask 'What's wrong?"  Is that so hard.  Just a little tiny bit of sympathy.  Cause I do have bad days and I do need someone anyone to listen just for a little bit.  I need that!  But I guess nobody sees me as a friend like that.

I don't like convincing people to be my friends, nor guilt-ing them, the last thing I want to for someone who doesn't want to be here listening to my problems.  I feel like I need to test everyone like to not talk to them at all and to see if maybe they'll come to me, maybe wanna hangout or want to know  why I didn't call them.  I don't know if I could actually do that since it makes me feel so bad and I just love my friends so much that I'd do anything for them... but them again would they do that same for me... probably not right now.

This is me Venting BTW so please don't get offended.  I just need someone to be there for me for at least some part of my life.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Confrontations and Realizations

Today has defiantly been an odd day.  Its like a Theme Day and everything is revolving around this theme... and altho a theme may sound fun this theme isn't so much.  And the theme is Confrontations! lol Seemed like everyone was in the mood to confront somebody today including myself.  Aaron and Stephanie are dealing with their awkward living situation that is tangled in a wed of awkwardness!  And I accidentally confronted my friend Kyle which was not meant to happen. 

I guess I was very emotional today, I was talking to Stephanie about friend problems and she mentioned something like 'I hate always being the one who initiated conversation, I like it when they take the time to talk to me as well' .  Which really made me think about my good friends in Cali and kinda made me upset that my main good friends don't like talking to me.  I love to call and text them... but I just don't feel like its reciprocated.  Which I know they have lives and are busy... but I also have a life and am busy but still find time to try and call or text, or even send a Facebook message.  

Which by the end of today I was talking to Bethany and she made me realize that I've changed.  And that I love my friends no matter where they are but maybe they have just moved on from me.  Or maybe they're looking for a friend like I have with Bethany... which is my best friend in Tucson.  Which doesn't mean I replaced anybody... but that I just added someone new to the collection.

I just wish things were easier and that they did want to talk to me. That I didn't have to remind or convince someone to call me.  I feel like they should want to do it as much as I want to... to keep this friendship fresh and alive! 

Today I am done with.  No more revelations like this Please!  Makes me cry way too much. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's New!?

Its sure been a busy week!  We've been house sitting for Stephanie and have been driving back and forth all week.  Also Joel found a job that has him working with kids and adults with physical or mental disabilities.  He helps them get jobs or achieve personal goals ect.  It sounds amazing!  Also this week he got his results for his sheriff test and he passed it!  So next he has a physical test later this month!  So we're praying and training for it!  

I think yesterday I started ovulating.  Which I never felt before but I started to get cramps and was getting moody, tired, and achy.  I sorta still feel that way today which is why I didn't go hiking with everyone.  Which I now regret cause I have nothing else to do now!  Blahhhh so bored!

Stephanie is coming home today which is nice.  I kinda have the need to be in a group of people at the moment which is driving me nuts!  Mainly because nobody is here which of course is my fault!  Such a vicious circle this is!  Well other than that there's not much else... except for us moving fairly soon!  Yay!  Finally!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Slumber Parties and Dreams

Well we've been sleeping at Stephanie's place for the past week mainly because we're getting used to the distance and our friend Darren dropped off his cat for us to humbly watch so that's what we're doing.  Yesterday Joel and I decided to have a slumber party with Bethany and Adam so that's what we did!  It was a lot of fun.  We hung out and played games and watched movies.  

Now I am up and we are eating some delicious pancakes!  And laughing about lame jokes.  Yesterday I hurt my foot running away from the pool at Bethany's... I stepped on a Pointy Rock that went thru my foot.  It hurts to stand on it for very long but I have a band-aid so it's feeling a bit better.

Oh and if "Big John" reads this, I want everyone to know that he is an amazing guy and that he is defiantly a great friend to both Joel and myself! lol Hanging out with you is a lot of fun. And we enjoyed meeting your sister too!  She is awesome!  I like her a lot, she's very funny! =) 

I also had this odd dream that I was back in California and I was wanting to hang out with my old friends.  Then Bobby (Best Guy Friend) showed up and asked for a haircut so right when I was about to cut his hair and a bunch of people from all over the place showed up even people I've never met before! lol then as people started leaving I gave everyone hugs and talk for a while to started to walk outside when a guy started shooting... and the first thing I did was find a kid and I shielded her from the blasts.  And that was it! Ha Ha.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Exciting weekend

So lots to catch up on.  We celebrated Joel's Surprise Party this past Friday and boy was he surprised!  It worked out pretty perfect.  Kate and Sammy made it just in time and we all played Laser Tag and ate cake and pizza.  Also played on the bumper boats!!!  I got so soaked!  

Also we decided that we're moving in with our good friend Stephanie.  She has a great heart and I trust her with my life.  I can tell that we're going to get along so perfectly.  She has a nice home west of Tucson and Pima Community College is just a couple miles away from her place.  

I'm thinking about going back to college to take more art classes both drawing and painting and eventually get my Associates degree!  I've also been thinking about babies.  I really want one but I'm not sure if I should figure out when I ovulate... I might just attempt to see if it works but not make it a big deal.  Joel and I are in a good place right now.  Its almost our one year anniversary!  I'm excited about celebrating. 

Anyways that's it for now.  I'm currently at BMN with a bunch of friends.  I'm out!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Spelunked while Spelunking!

Well just got back from Spelunking and boy was that exhausting!  Down here in Tucson there are TONS of Caves and Hiking Trails also lots of mountains.  Joel and I like to explore the mountain range.  I don't remember the Cave's name that we went to but its was pretty awesome... yet if you are very claustrophobic like I am at times it was not the best of experiences as I hoped it would be.  When I get stuck between a tight spot and I can't move I freaked out and I can't be there anymore... but Joel helped me calm down a few times when I was feeling the anxiety of the tight places and the sticky humidity didn't help at all!

After crawling on my knees through mud, dirt, and rocks, and also climbing onto ledges using my body strength and legs/arms as leverage!  I am banged up pretty good after all of that!  Ouch! My knees especially!

This knee is the one that hurts the most!  Poor thing! 

This knee just looks like I have a disease!

After all that... I am exhausted yet content!
   Now after all of this is done and gone... I'm ready for round 2! Swimming! lol or maybe some drop dead diva! ;) 
