
Monday, August 15, 2011

Confrontations and Realizations

Today has defiantly been an odd day.  Its like a Theme Day and everything is revolving around this theme... and altho a theme may sound fun this theme isn't so much.  And the theme is Confrontations! lol Seemed like everyone was in the mood to confront somebody today including myself.  Aaron and Stephanie are dealing with their awkward living situation that is tangled in a wed of awkwardness!  And I accidentally confronted my friend Kyle which was not meant to happen. 

I guess I was very emotional today, I was talking to Stephanie about friend problems and she mentioned something like 'I hate always being the one who initiated conversation, I like it when they take the time to talk to me as well' .  Which really made me think about my good friends in Cali and kinda made me upset that my main good friends don't like talking to me.  I love to call and text them... but I just don't feel like its reciprocated.  Which I know they have lives and are busy... but I also have a life and am busy but still find time to try and call or text, or even send a Facebook message.  

Which by the end of today I was talking to Bethany and she made me realize that I've changed.  And that I love my friends no matter where they are but maybe they have just moved on from me.  Or maybe they're looking for a friend like I have with Bethany... which is my best friend in Tucson.  Which doesn't mean I replaced anybody... but that I just added someone new to the collection.

I just wish things were easier and that they did want to talk to me. That I didn't have to remind or convince someone to call me.  I feel like they should want to do it as much as I want to... to keep this friendship fresh and alive! 

Today I am done with.  No more revelations like this Please!  Makes me cry way too much. 

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