
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Set in Stone

Well its official!  We're moving up to Payson for reals this time!  Thank goodness we finally have an answer! Now that we have that settled I'm going crazy trying to figure out our moving situation, jobs, and a place to rent!  You can just imagine how crazy I may or may not be going right now!  
Kyle showing off his Muscles!
The Pirate of my Life!

Overall it's probably not going to be that bad... but since we are going to go through are stuff because we want to try and sell stuff we don't need/want that's what's I'm thinking about the most.  It will be nice to live closer to my family for a while.  I really do miss them.  My grandfather went to the hospital a couple days ago, he's okay though he can't do a lot of stuff at the moment.  It makes me want to get up there faster to be up there with them as much as possible. 

Halloween was a success!  We took Kyle Trick-Or-Treating for the first time and it was so much fun!  It has been YEARS since I've gone so it was nice to relive my childhood just a bit.  We all dressed up as a family of pirates!  Kyle was the Captain (AKA Captain Adorable).  He did pretty well the whole night.  He was just amazed through the whole experience.  We actually went through a small haunted house and he didn't cry at all.  

Cap'N Adorable
My Pirates
After rescuing our Cap'N something to ease the night away!
Yes I did the makeup myself! He he
My housemade costume! Arrg!

Now that the holiday season has started I'm starting to get excited.  I wish I could put lights up and cut down our own Christmas tree!  Or ever cook our own Turkey... but we're just not there yet.  Joel and I finally have our "10 year" plan made so hopefully it'll work out for us.  

Things are a little boring at the moment because I still haven't been feeling to well.  I think part of it is just from being sore from dancing.  But the other part I'm not too sure what's going on.  I hope tomorrow I feel better so I can actually get some cleaning down.  Once I'm sick... the house get so dirty very fast lol... 
Which tells me... I clean up pretty good! lol and that Joel would be lost without me! =P


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